Friday, April 25, 2014

hello, mr. rabbit has moved!

    Hello readers! After much consideration and planning, I have deiced to move my blog to a new platform (along with my photography portfolio). I have been using Blogger as a platform for almost two years, and I decided it was a great time for a change. You can visit my new site at the same domain, here. I have also decided to keep this page up for a little way longer, for those who wish to see my past postings and thoughts. 
    I am thankful for all the memories this space has provided me, but I am ready for something new. I will also be focusing much of my time on my new magazine, Plenilune Mag, which you can find some of our social media here and here (website is under construction!). This does not mean that blogging will be put on the backburner, I just will not be updating quite as frequently anymore. You can follow all of my adventures on my new space and browse through my photography portfolio at the same time, I hope to hear from everyone their personal thoughts on these changes, and to follow along with my new projects. 


  1. Those cherry blossom are beauitful, I would love to move to a new blogging platform, I find the process kind of daunting. Good luck on your switch.

  2. lovely photos :) I really enjoy reading your blog! haha keep in touch x Peach

  3. Such beautiful colours:) You look wonderfull!

    xx Sara

  4. This picture is so pretty and I love the pretty flowers behind you..

  5. There is no link to your new blog.


thank you for leaving a message! i always love reading your comments. i will try my best to answer any questions asked, but feel free to contact me via email ( for inquiries or more questions/comments. have a great day!

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